Investor benefits

Tax Advantages

Discover the numerous tax benefits accessible to astute and affluent investors who venture beyond conventional asset classes, particularly in the oil and gas industry:

  1. Tax Write-offs for Successful Investments: The IRS permits investors in successful oil and gas ventures to write off around 65%-80% of their investment amount against taxable earned income within the investment year. The remaining sum is depreciated over a 7-year period.
  2. Tax Relief for Unsuccessful Investments: In contrast to stocks, where only a small portion of the loss can be written off, the IRS allows nearly 100% of an unsuccessful oil and gas investment to be deducted against the investor's taxable earned income, subject to limitations.
  3. Depletion Allowance: The IRS grants a depletion allowance, enabling working interest income from the sale of oil and/or gas to be tax-free.
  4. Passive Income Benefits: Passive income, or the net income generated monthly from a producing oil or gas well, serves to reduce the initially invested amount. This differs from stocks, where most of the profitable income is derived from a one-time sale
  5. Tax Reduction for Accredited Investors: Accredited investors typically fall into the highest federal tax brackets. Investing in multiple oil and gas projects can substantially decrease their tax liability and generate long-term investment income.
Tangible & Intangible Drilling Costs

Intangible Drilling Cost Deductions for Accredited Investors

Explore the advantages of intangible drilling cost deductions for investors, which constitute roughly 70% of drilling expenses. Intangible costs encompass non-recoverable expenses vital for drilling and preparing wells for production. These costs include survey work, drainage, ground clearing, fuel, wages, repairs, hauling, and supplies, essentially everything excluding the actual drilling equipment and leases.

Intangible drilling costs offer a 100% tax deduction in the year incurred, as long as the well is operational by March 31 of the subsequent year. Alternatively, investors can choose to amortize all or part of the costs over a 5-year time frame. These deductions are considered above-the-line, reducing both adjusted gross income and taxable income. Limited Partners can utilize intangible drilling costs to offset passive income, providing significant tax savings.

Tangible drilling costs are about 20%-35% of the amount of the investment that is allotted to tangible drilling and completion costs and may be deducted over a 7-year time frame.